
Cycling Cities: The African Experience is made possible by:
The African Urban Mobilities: Past, Present and Future Network supported by the University of Witswatersrand, History Workshop, South Africa, History Department, Bayero University, Nigeria, Leiden University, Eindhoven University of Technology, TIS History Lab and SHT and made possible by

UNEP, Active Mobility
University of College London Urban Laboratory
NUKU studio Tamale, Ghana

And we’re crowdfunding GoFundMe: Help our African authors publish their book

Cycling Cities: The European Experience is made possible by:
Foundation for the History of Technology (SHT)
Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu)
Dutch Public Works Administration (Rijkswaterstaat)
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
LMU Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
The Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies at the University of Twente (IGS)
Swedish Research Council
Dutch Tourist Organization (ANWB)
City of Utrecht

Your City Next is made possible by:
Province of Limburg
City of Maastricht
Partners in Lisbon

Cycling Cities: The Arnhem and Nijmegen Experience is made possible by:
Province of Gelderland

Cycling Cities: The Hague Experience is made possible by:
City of The Hague
Eindhoven University of Technology, Technology, Innovation & Society (TIS) Group – History Section

Cycling Cities: The Rotterdam Experience is made possible by:
City of Rotterdam
Eindhoven University of Technology, Technology, Innovation & Society (TIS) Group – History Section

Cycling Cities: The Munich Experience is made possible by:
Deutsches Museum Munich
Verkehrsmuseum Munich
City of Munich
Twente University, STEPS
Eindhoven University of Technology TIS Group, History Division.

Cycling Cities: The Johannesburg Experience is made possible by:
Fowkes Bros.
Hollard Insurance Group
Ms. Kate Shimwell & Family
Qhubeka/Anglo American partnership
Stichting Weesperzijde
University of the Witwatersrand
Individual sponsors

Cycling Cities: The Lisbon Experience is made possible by:

Cycling Cities: the Lisbon Experience was financed by the Portuguese Research Council (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) through national funds. The book was funded by one research project: the History Lab for Sustainable Urban Mobilities: Lisbon’s cycling policies. Additionally, through PIDDAC (Programa de Investimentos e Despesas de Desenvolvimento da Administração Central) the book was part of three research units:

  • CIUHCT (Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology)
  • CIAUD (Research Centre for Architecture, Urban Planning and Design)
  • REM, UECE (Research in Economics and Mathematics)

Other participant institutions and projects we would like to thank are:

  • FCT NOVA (NOVA School of Sciences and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)
  • FAUL (Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa)
  • ISEG/ULisboa (Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Universidade de Aveiro
  • Research project Exchange Zones of Epistemic Resistance and Alternative Innovation: Activism, Grassroots Movements and Expertise, 1970s-1990s, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.

Cycling Challenges PhD Research Program is made possible by:
Pon Holding
The Dutch Public Works Administration (Rijkswaterstaat)
Eindhoven University of Technology Board

Eindhoven University of Technology, Technology, Innovation, and Society

Sustainable Urban Mobility Program also received funds from:
NWO Humanities Internationalization Fund
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Conference Fund (KNAW)
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Visiting Professors Program (KNAW)
Society for the History of Technology (SHOT)
