Kazem Afradi has bachelor, master, and Ph.D. degrees in urban planning from Universities in Iran. He has been a Ph.D. guest researcher at the Eindhoven University of Technology (Group of Information System), the University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB spatial center), and Utrecht University (Department of Geosciences). In his Ph.D. thesis, he examined the mechanism of the spatial effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Tehran.
Currently, he holds a position at Eindhoven University of Technology (Department of Technology, Innovation, and Society) as a visiting fellow and a research assistant working on hundred years of cycling experience in Tehran. In this project, he investigates how bicycle as a vehicle has been adapting to the changing socio-technical contexts in Tehran since the 1890s. Inspired by Multi-level perspective (MLP) method, he seeks to understand how the bicycle has evolved in the mobility ecosystem of Tehran. Which factors have been encouraged cycling in Tehran? Why have some factors facilitated, and others failed? What are the barriers which do not allow the promotion of cycling in Tehran? Filling these gaps can provide a clearer landscape of cycling experience in Tehran.